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Marshall, TX
Mar 7, 2013

JW Harris was easily the best rider here - only a handful of guys in his league at this rodeo. But, he didn't win it.

If you want to know how to beat a guy who is way better than you, this rodeo is a textbook example. Out draw him. Enter rodeos where the difficulty of most of the bulls is low enough that you can ride most of them, and just out draw him.

The best riders only have a huge advantage when the pen is full of bulls that have a difficulty level at or near their talent level. When the difficulty of the bulls matches the talent level of the all the lesser riders, there is not much advantage to being way better at riding.

Put Harris in rodeos with even pens of high level bulls all season long and he probably would not ride as many of them, but he would pound the stuffing out of everyone else.

Event Stats
JudgesChris Bastien -- Jeff Dorenkamp
Official Outs45

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