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Out List: 667 total records (show UTB Round Wins)
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PBR UTB Outs Only

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Out List - 667 records
Bull Event Round Score Ride Bull Time Comments
169 Peep Show (+D) Sioux Falls - (Apr '21) 1 88.25 +2.25 43.00 8.00 *
B1 Apper's Mind Freak (+D) Louisville - (Mar '21) B 90.50 +2.5 44.00 8.00 *
51 Safety Meeting (+D) Louisville - (Mar '21) F - - 44.50 4.26 *
728 Draggin' Up Louisville - (Mar '21) 2 88.75 +3.25 42.75 8.00 *
V41 Twisted (+D) Louisville - (Mar '21) 1 84.25 +1.75 41.25 8.00 *
39D Top Shelf (+D) Kansas City - (Mar '21) F 91.75 +3.75 44.00 8.00 *
428 Outlaw Kansas City - (Mar '21) 2 - - 42.75 1.57 *
-748 Knee Deep Kansas City - (Mar '21) 1 90.00 +2.5 43.75 8.00 *
124 Woopaa (+D) Fort Worth - (Feb '21) F 94.75 +2.25 46.25 8.00 *
74D Rooty Tooty Fort Worth - (Feb '21) 2 - - 42.50 5.78 *
72 Hundred Bad Days (+D) Fort Worth - (Feb '21) 1 91.00 +3 44.00 8.00 *
681 Dirty Sancho (+D) Ocala - (Jan '21) 1 - - 44.00 2.75 *
22 Night Hawk (+D) Arlington (PBRF) - (Nov '20) F - - 45.25 2.86 *
599 Bullseye (+D) Arlington (PBRF) - (Nov '20) 4 - - 42.75 6.18 *
124 Woopaa (+D) Arlington (PBRF) - (Nov '20) 3 95.75 +2.25 46.75 8.00 *
34 Louisville Slugger Arlington (PBRF) - (Nov '20) 2 83.25 +2.75 40.25 8.00 *
761 Bushwacked (+D) Arlington (PBRF) - (Nov '20) 1 87.50 +2 42.75 8.00 *
172 Hang 'Em High (+D) Sioux Falls - (Nov '20) 2 - - 44.50 1.96 *
87L Party Animal (+D) Sioux Falls - (Nov '20) 1 - - 43.50 6.47 *
-540 CopperPoint Swagger (+D) Nampa - (Oct '20) F - - 44.75 3.33 *
H1 Notorious Nonsense Nampa - (Oct '20) 2 86.75 +2.25 42.25 8.00 *
D10 Joe Bananas (+D) Nampa - (Oct '20) 1 - - 43.25 2.67 *
X7 Ominous Tulsa - (Oct '20) 2 - - 44.00 3.76 *
6117 Dirt Gangster Tulsa - (Oct '20) 1 - - 45.25 2.16 *
-400 OZ (+D) Lincoln - (Oct '20) F 89.00 +2 43.50 8.00 *
7 Bread Basket (+D) Lincoln - (Oct '20) 2 - - 44.00 2.86 *
SG1 Gangster Time Lincoln - (Oct '20) 1 86.00 +2.5 41.75 8.00 *
001 Smooth Operator (+D) Billings - (Sep '20) B 94.25 +1.25 46.50 8.00 *
518 Bad Decisions (+D) Billings - (Sep '20) F 89.75 +3.25 43.25 8.00 *
-621 Zero Time (+D) Billings - (Sep '20) 3 89.75 +1.75 44.00 8.00 *
100 Nailed (+D) Billings - (Sep '20) 2 86.50 +2.5 42.00 8.00 *
51 Safety Meeting (+D) Billings - (Sep '20) 1 89.25 +4.25 42.50 8.00 *
635 Axle (+D) Fort Worth - (Aug '20) B - - 45.50 2.93 *
513 Boogie Bomb (+D) Fort Worth - (Aug '20) F 88.25 +2.25 43.00 8.00 *
S30 Milk Man (+D) Fort Worth - (Aug '20) 2 89.75 +2.25 43.75 8.00 *
S528 Dixie Explosion Fort Worth - (Aug '20) 1 - - 41.00 7.32 *
43C- Chiseled (+D) Salt Lake City - (Aug '20) F 94.00 +1 46.50 8.00 *
53 Rudy Can Do Salt Lake City - (Aug '20) 2 87.50 +2.5 42.50 8.00 *
D23 War Party Salt Lake City - (Aug '20) 1 88.25 +2.75 42.75 8.00 *
100 Nailed (+D) Guthrie - (Aug '20) F 89.50 +1.5 44.00 8.00 *
91L Here to Party (+D) Guthrie - (Aug '20) 1 86.25 +2.75 41.75 8.00 *
64 Witch Doctor Guthrie - (Aug '20) 2 - - 44.25 3.36 *
08C Crazy Times (+D) Guthrie - (Aug '20) 1 - - 43.50 2.65 *
513 Good Night Robicheaux (+D) Bismarck - (Aug '20) MO 87.00 +2 42.50 8.00 *
449 WSM's Jive Turkey (+D) Bismarck - (Aug '20) F - - 44.50 7.29 *
517 Space Force (+D) Bismarck - (Aug '20) 2 89.75 +1.75 44.00 8.00 *
S537 Sniper Bismarck - (Aug '20) 1 85.50 +1.5 42.00 8.00 *
53 Rudy Can Do Sioux Falls - (Jul '20) F - - 43.25 2.71 *
43 Low Dog (+D) Sioux Falls - (Jul '20) 2 - - 43.25 6.13 *
32 Sitting Bull (+D) Sioux Falls - (Jul '20) 1 88.75 +1.75 43.50 8.00 *
111 Black Rose (+D) Sioux Falls - (Jul '20) 1 84.75 +2.25 41.25 8.00 *
08B Hostage (+D) Sioux Falls - (Jul '20) 1 - - - RR chute
728 Draggin' Up Sioux Falls - (Jul '20) 2 - - 43.75 7.35 *
075 Little Joe Sioux Falls - (Jul '20) 1 86.50 +2.5 42.00 8.00 *
D26 Landslide (+D) Rocksprings - (Jun '20) 1 - - 42.50 6.69 *
08B Hostage (+D) Rocksprings - (Jun '20) F 90.00 +2 44.00 8.00 *
E21 Skirt Chaser (+D) Rocksprings - (Jun '20) 1 87.50 +2.5 42.50 8.00 *
913 Monkey (+D) Las Vegas - (Jun '20) 2 - - 43.00 4.88 *
D1 Rocko Las Vegas - (Jun '20) 1 86.00 +1.5 42.25 8.00 *
463 Red Rocker Las Vegas - (Jun '20) 2 88.50 +2.5 43.00 8.00 *
42 Armed & Dangerous (+D) Las Vegas - (Jun '20) 1 - - 43.75 1.79 *
3402 Anthrax (+D) Las Vegas - (Jun '20) 2 86.00 +4 41.00 8.00 *
+219 Blue Stone Las Vegas - (Jun '20) 1 88.00 +3.5 42.25 8.00 *
30B Cliff Jumper (+D) Las Vegas - (Jun '20) 1 - - - RR chute
1212 Gambini (+D) Las Vegas - (Jun '20) 2 - - 41.25 5.99 *
C6 The Tickler Las Vegas - (Jun '20) 1 88.50 +4 42.25 8.00 *
346 4 Bears Las Vegas - (Jun '20) 2 85.25 +2.25 41.50 8.00 *
8 Beast of Burden Las Vegas - (Jun '20) 1 88.25 +4.25 42.00 8.00 *
12 Lucky Las Vegas - (Jun '20) 2 84.75 +3.25 40.75 8.00 *
73D Squeeze Box Las Vegas - (Jun '20) 1 84.25 +2.25 41.00 8.00 *
138 M.A.G.A. (+D) Guthrie - (May '20) 1 - - 44.25 1.84 *
500 I'm Legit Too (+D) Guthrie - (May '20) F 90.00 +1 44.50 8.00 *
5B- Sambuca Guthrie - (May '20) 2 87.25 +1.75 42.75 8.00 *
65 Perfecto Guthrie - (May '20) 1 84.25 +2.75 40.75 8.00 *
51 Safety Meeting (+D) Guthrie - (Apr '20) F 90.00 +3.5 43.25 8.00 *
08B Hostage (+D) Guthrie - (Apr '20) F - - - RR foul
513 Good Night Robicheaux (+D) Guthrie - (Apr '20) 2 - - 43.50 1.79 *
624 Homegrown (+D) Guthrie - (Apr '20) 1 86.50 -1 43.75 8.00 *
162 The Right Stuff (+D) Kansas City - (Feb '20) B - - 43.50 6.24 *
874D Lil Hott (+D) Kansas City - (Feb '20) 1 - - 40.25 2.06 *
500 I'm Legit Too (+D) Kansas City - (Feb '20) F - - 45.75 2.23 *
428 Outlaw Kansas City - (Feb '20) 1 90.75 +3.25 43.75 8.00 *
58 Dirty White Boy (+D) Fort Worth - (Feb '20) 1 - - - TO
449 WSM's Jive Turkey (+D) St. Louis - (Feb '20) B 89.75 +3.25 43.25 8.00 *
151 Night Shift St. Louis - (Feb '20) F 88.75 +2.25 43.25 8.00 *
60-3 Inferno (+D) St. Louis - (Feb '20) 2 89.00 +3.5 42.75 8.00 *
665 Air Tight Alibi St. Louis - (Feb '20) 1 84.75 +1.75 41.50 8.00 *
449 WSM's Jive Turkey (+D) Arlington - (Feb '20) 4 89.50 +2.3 43.60 8.00 *
4596 Dang It Arlington - (Feb '20) 3 89.00 +3.8 42.60 8.00 *
345 Rising Sun (+D) Arlington - (Feb '20) 1 90.25 +3.05 43.60 8.00 *
46 Sugar Boom Boom (+D) Arlington - (Feb '20) 1 - - 44.80 6.04 *
77B Medicine Man (+D) Los Angeles - (Feb '20) 2 - - 44.50 2.13 *
Y1 Crazy Days (+D) Los Angeles - (Feb '20) 1 83.25 +2.75 40.25 8.00 *
599 Bullseye (+D) Oklahoma City - (Jan '20) F 92.00 +3 44.50 8.00 *
513 Boogie Bomb (+D) Oklahoma City - (Jan '20) 2 88.75 +2.25 43.25 8.00 *
44A Smooth Over (+D) Oklahoma City - (Jan '20) 1 85.75 +2.25 41.75 8.00 *
D26 Landslide (+D) Oklahoma City - (Jan '20) 1 - - 35.50 RR inf
41B- Cool Customer (+D) Sacramento - (Jan '20) B - - 46.00 5.63 *
345 Rising Sun (+D) Sacramento - (Jan '20) F 91.00 +4 43.50 8.00 *
08C Danny Boy (+D) Sacramento - (Jan '20) 3 87.75 +2.25 42.75 8.00 *
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